20 June, 2009

calculus and liver (characteristic one who hitted this disease) part 3

vitamin entering A in number enough can help to prevent cell network heaping that ossify, be disease characteristics liver. but vitamin use fat-soluble this is for long and with overdosely can causes swelling liver and disease liver.

vitamin E can prevent damage in liver and cirrhosis, follow experts at university turin at italian. they hold effort with give supplement vitamin E in mice in number that increase vitamin concentration E liver. that mice then be given carbon tetraklorida for can treatment with vitamin E that done previous protect them either from damage liver acute/ chronic and cirrhosis. supplement vitamin E increase vitamin pregnancy in three parts liver and decrease damage oxidative in cells liver, but doesn't has protection impact whatever in fat infiltration liver. also appear preventable in mouse group at give supplement vitamin E. apparently vitamin E give enough protection towards nekrosis carbon consequence tetraklorida and cirrhosis, may be with decrease oxidation process distribution lipid and decrease damage reach oksidatif liver.

vitamin K in tall dose can causes jaundice and brain cells damage in fetus/baby.

level beta karoten in patients body with cirrhosis liver very low, on the contrary diet with beta karoten tall can decrease damage liver. cirrhosis liver oftentimes at association at the height of dangerous component activity that is called free radical that can increase heart cancer risk. as antioksidan, beta karoten can prevent to form it free radical may be dangerous.

although hypercholesterolemia (cholesterol existence that over do in blood) can be cared effectively with niacin, researchers at virginia commonwealth university warn that form sustained-release niacin hepatotoxic (in character toxic for liver) form immediate-release also can evoke negative side effects.

use biotin in big dose for old ones time can causes abnormal expansion in liver.

damage in liver may be be deficit sign choline. fat fragments congest in liver because triglycerides must at get ready as VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) to movable from liver, but VLDL want phosphstidylcholine to can functioned. finally, VLDL irremovable from liver during body still deficit choline. people who diets less choline show doesn't functioned enzym liver and the increasing of blood cholesterol during three weeks. these phenomenons turns during two until six weeks after suplementacion lecithin, increase level choline in blood.

copper use disturbance has breed at call Wilson’s disease at characterization with copper heaping that over do at body cells and cause to decreased it function liver. treatment to Wilson’s disease will include also will diet low copper and therapy with penicillamine that in copper and increase ekskresi in intestines.

a watchfulness shows that ones with or without disease liver has input selenium in number same, but ones with disease liver has lower total from mineral in liver and blood. 
consequence nutrisional other from disease liver among others decrease it vitamin formation D, can cause osteoporosis, enhanced lost it vitamin B6 and disturbance existence possibility and formation deficit protein that carry away vitamin a in blood. in addition, body more may be deficit and lose folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and ferrum.

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