20 June, 2009

calculus and liver (characteristic one who hitted this disease) part 3

vitamin entering A in number enough can help to prevent cell network heaping that ossify, be disease characteristics liver. but vitamin use fat-soluble this is for long and with overdosely can causes swelling liver and disease liver.

vitamin E can prevent damage in liver and cirrhosis, follow experts at university turin at italian. they hold effort with give supplement vitamin E in mice in number that increase vitamin concentration E liver. that mice then be given carbon tetraklorida for can treatment with vitamin E that done previous protect them either from damage liver acute/ chronic and cirrhosis. supplement vitamin E increase vitamin pregnancy in three parts liver and decrease damage oxidative in cells liver, but doesn't has protection impact whatever in fat infiltration liver. also appear preventable in mouse group at give supplement vitamin E. apparently vitamin E give enough protection towards nekrosis carbon consequence tetraklorida and cirrhosis, may be with decrease oxidation process distribution lipid and decrease damage reach oksidatif liver.

vitamin K in tall dose can causes jaundice and brain cells damage in fetus/baby.

level beta karoten in patients body with cirrhosis liver very low, on the contrary diet with beta karoten tall can decrease damage liver. cirrhosis liver oftentimes at association at the height of dangerous component activity that is called free radical that can increase heart cancer risk. as antioksidan, beta karoten can prevent to form it free radical may be dangerous.

although hypercholesterolemia (cholesterol existence that over do in blood) can be cared effectively with niacin, researchers at virginia commonwealth university warn that form sustained-release niacin hepatotoxic (in character toxic for liver) form immediate-release also can evoke negative side effects.

use biotin in big dose for old ones time can causes abnormal expansion in liver.

damage in liver may be be deficit sign choline. fat fragments congest in liver because triglycerides must at get ready as VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) to movable from liver, but VLDL want phosphstidylcholine to can functioned. finally, VLDL irremovable from liver during body still deficit choline. people who diets less choline show doesn't functioned enzym liver and the increasing of blood cholesterol during three weeks. these phenomenons turns during two until six weeks after suplementacion lecithin, increase level choline in blood.

copper use disturbance has breed at call Wilson’s disease at characterization with copper heaping that over do at body cells and cause to decreased it function liver. treatment to Wilson’s disease will include also will diet low copper and therapy with penicillamine that in copper and increase ekskresi in intestines.

a watchfulness shows that ones with or without disease liver has input selenium in number same, but ones with disease liver has lower total from mineral in liver and blood. 
consequence nutrisional other from disease liver among others decrease it vitamin formation D, can cause osteoporosis, enhanced lost it vitamin B6 and disturbance existence possibility and formation deficit protein that carry away vitamin a in blood. in addition, body more may be deficit and lose folic acid, calcium, magnesium, and ferrum.

calculus and liver (characteristic one who hitted this disease) part 2


liver play role important in a few vitamin metabolism step. vitamin consists of vitamins that dissolve in fat (fat-soluble) likes vitamin a, d, e and k or dissolve in water (water-soluble) likes vitamin c and b-complex.

patients with disease liver advanced stage may be is vitamins deficit that dissolve in water,  but this is usually happen because food input and nutrient less/not proper. vitamin storage b12 usually far exceed body need; deficit (deficiencies) seldom happen because disease liver or fail liver. but, when does food nutrient input decreased, usually also deficit thiamine and folate. usually supplement oral last for return thiamine and folate to level normal.

vitamins that dissolve in fat not only want square meal nutrient input but also good digestion with absorption either by body. that is why production bile in number normal of vital importance. bile in stomach/ intestines be be wanted for vitamins absorption dissolve these fat into body because these vitamins usually insoluble in water. bile work as detergent, dissolve these vitamins so that they can be absorbed body well. 

if production bile bad, supplement oral vitamins A, D, E, K may be will not last for return level vitamin to level normal. detergent similar solution use from vitamin E liquid (tpgs) increases vitamin absorption e in patient with disease liver advanced stage. solution same also can repair vitamin absorption A, D,  and K,  if vitamin K drunk concurrently with vitamin liquid E.

source: " living with hepatitis C: A survivor's guide" by Gregory T. Everson, M. D. , and Hedy Weinberg. 1997, Hatherleigh Press

calculus and liver (characteristic one who hitted this disease) part 1

solid lump likes gravel found at various part from kidney or urine channel. calculus formed salt surplus consequence in blood stream then crystallize in urin.

phenomenon: great pain in waist on kidney that can scattered to underbelly, out little shale likes sand and swollen in waist that indicate infection existence at kidney.

cause: less drink that causes urin coagulate and formed stone, tendon sour surplus in blood with infection in kidney.

damage in liver has big impact in various process in body, belong digestion, absorption, storage, and vitamin use and mineral. besides, production protein also decreased body, fat production changes so that causes the happening of fat heaping in liver. maker enzym important to detect alcohol and poisons other also decrease so that these substances congests in body.

disease liver causes malnutrisi because three reasons;
1. retard/disturb digestion and food absorption.
2. influence nutrient use in body.
3. decrease food entering because sick taste, lost it taste eats, and vomit.

production, use, and expenditure/ekskresi protein, carbohydrate, and fat changes. and absorption with use various vitamin and mineral decreases when liver doesn't functioned with should.

16 June, 2009

tips make rose is dense

if you wish for your rose is seen denseer, follow tips under this:
1. pour cold water former condensation ac to rose every day
2. don't will over do in will pour because will make stalk will be rotten.
3. diligent cut flower that dry so that bud and flower bud can grow again
4. look at if rose leaf there yg mushroom infection, cut soon leaf yg infection so that doesn't scattered ketempat other.

source: http://www.kumpulantips.com

want your lip is appear more section, follow tips hereunder:

dab lip moisturizer before dab lipstick. this will make your lip is moist and make it seen full.

use colour pencil natural to make your lip hem line. after finished part overall contents in your lip is with colour whom you desire.

for your lip size increase uses lipstick glossy or shine. dab gloss or lipstick shines that with lip small brush and choose appropriate colour with skin and coat whom you impose.

to prevent in a mess in the edge, dab your lip edge part with transparent powder.

well, you can try tips this to get section lip and winsome. congratulation try!

source: various source.

cause the loss of acne

everybody of course hanker after pure faces frees from acne, follow tips under this so that your face is candid from acne:
1. your face keep cleaning by always washes face sehabis take a trip.
2. take one aloe leaf
3. cut some part
4. peel of skin outside it
5. dab in face that washed clean membagian that appear acne
6. repeat every morning and afternoon

congratulation try, may acne in front of you can lost. if happen irritation because your skin is sensitive soon goes to doctor.

source: various source.

14 June, 2009

important nutrition during pregnant

along pregnancy age increase, so pregnant mother nutrient need will increase, especially after enter pregnancy trimester second. because at that moment, fetus growth goes on fast - especially brain development and nerve composition - and want optimal nutrient input.


nutrition that need:

-         carbohydrate and fat as energy substance source to produce calorie obtainable from serealia, tuber.

-         protein as builder substance source obtainable from meat, fish, egg and pod.

-         mineral as regulator substance obtainable from fruits and vegetable.

-         vitamin b complex good for watch over nerve system, muscle and heart so that functioned bormally. can be met in serealia, seed, bean, green vegetable, yeast, egg and milk product.

-         vitamin d good for growth and your baby bone formation. the source found in fish heart oil, egg yolk and milk.

-         vitamin e good for red corpuscle formation that wells. eat cereals institution especially wheat, pod, vegetable oil and green vegetable.

-         sour folat good for nerve system development and corpuscle, many found in dark green coloured vegetable likes spinach, cauliflower and brocolli. in fruits, sour folat found in orange, banana, carrot and tomato. sour need folat during pregnant 800 mcg per day, especially in 12 pregnancy first weeks. sour deficit folat can disturb brain formation, until inviable in also fetus brain.

-         ferrum that wanted pregnant mother so that escaped from anaemia, many found in green vegetable (likes spinach, cassava leaf, papaya leaf), meat and heart.

-         calcium, need for bone growth and fetus tooth, with protect pregnant mother from osteoporosis if pregnant mother calcium need not fulfilled, so calcium deficit will be taken from mother bone. other calcium source green vegetable and pod. in this time calcium best got from milk with the product. also contain many vitamins, like vitamin a, d, b2, b3,  and vitamin c.


source: compass cyber date media 21 septembers 2006, milis pregnancy

6 best nutritions for pregnant mother

for pregnant mother in consuming food that must be payed vitamin and mineral because important for self well-being and fetus. nutrition that wanted during pregnancy among others:

-         protein, very big the part in produce corpuscle.

-         carbohydrate, wanted for body energy everyday.

-         calcium, at pregnancy time, important calcium to helps growth the baby.

-         ferrum, vitally in help red corpuscle production process, predominantly to prevent incidence anaemia.

-         sour folik, based on several findings expert well-being, pregnant woman sour deficit folik big the risk experiences miscarriage and or damage in fetus.

-         fat, for pregnant woman, fat the benefit for body energy reservist, so that off and on body losts to tired.

source : Various Source

pregnant mother important nutrient

pregnancy as favour must be planned and run well. what will be be eaten the mother will determine fetus development at contain it. for you are mothers, what run pregnancy that well?

food is one of the aspect esensial aim pregnancy that well. the paragraph, food at consumption before and during pregnant will impersonate to prepare body in subsidize fetus growth. " good food is beginning for fetus growth that well, " said midwifery specialist and pregnancy from Indonesia University Well-being Faculty / Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, Dr. Dwiana Ocviyanti SPOG(k), in common seminar about pregnancy that is conducted frisian flag at jakarta, some time then.

pregnant mother underwrites fetus alive in the stomach, so that the nutrient need even also differ from adult woman usually. besides to grow fetus flower, nutrient input is need to defend well-being and mother body strength self. 

" another use so that bodily injury former birth quick recover in a period of childbed (40 days after give birth to),  and as reservist for time gives suck, " word nutrisionis from indonesia nutritionist coalitions, marzuki iskandar STP. MTP.

the importance of nutrient substance increasing for this pregnant mother also related to various change that when does pregnant. among others grow it placenta, uterus expands, fetal membrane liquid existence, the increasing of blood volume, breast expands, with fat conglomeration. 

during pregnant, energy need, protein,  and mineral even also increase. for that, pregnant mother must eat food good to both (self and fetus). extra calorie total input is strived for to fulfil 300 calories per day, from food that contain protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, mineral,  and water.

" size 300 this calories is equal with two glasses of milk. best also not too much consuming cake or cake, because only calorie, not nutrient substance. eat that, with balance nutrition, " suggestion Dr, Dwiana ocviyanti or intimate speaked to Ovy. 

as to several nutritions esensial during pregnancy time among others ferrum, sour folat, calcium,  and vitamin d. important ferrum for red corpuscle production all at once anaemia prevention. best choice in red meat without fat and spinach.

sour folat that implied in green leafy vegetable, fruit and dark rust colored vegetable, red bean, pea,  and peanut, wanted for blood production and protein, effective enzyme, with prevent fetus disablement.

temporary calcium and vitamin d wanted for tooth and strong bone, calcium absorption, with uterus muscle erection. calcium best source can be met in milk, cheese, yoghurt,  and spinach. as to vitamin d can be got from sunshine explanation morning before clock 10 and food with nutrient substance addition. so, how does the good when is mother diligent pregnant for light activity like by foot at morning while enjoy the warm sun morning.

another food that must there in menu list fruit and vegetable. besides tall vitamin and mineral, also rich fiber and sour folat. so that, supposed pregnant mother consumings vegetable and fruit at least five portions per days. 

well, not less important liquid input. the to it for exile process and prevent constipation. if pregnant mother less drinks also can willing trigger to vomit. for that, suggested to drink minimal plain water eight glass per days. " koid instant drink many sugary. choose juice from fresh fruit. even so want to drink softdrink or coffee, limit don't more than one glass per day, " suggestion Ovy.

besides coffee, pregnant mother best also avoid alcohol consumption, milk not yet pasteurized, raw egg, meat at process, fat tall food, and sugar. meat and various seafood that still raw or cooked also unfavourable halfdone. the paragraph, many seafood at market or restaurant that taken from sea that polluted waste.

" vegetable and also can polluted pesticide so that necessary be washed clean with water flow or espoused fruit cleaner special liquid and vegetable, " augment it. 

source: okezone.com
