14 June, 2009

important nutrition during pregnant

along pregnancy age increase, so pregnant mother nutrient need will increase, especially after enter pregnancy trimester second. because at that moment, fetus growth goes on fast - especially brain development and nerve composition - and want optimal nutrient input.


nutrition that need:

-         carbohydrate and fat as energy substance source to produce calorie obtainable from serealia, tuber.

-         protein as builder substance source obtainable from meat, fish, egg and pod.

-         mineral as regulator substance obtainable from fruits and vegetable.

-         vitamin b complex good for watch over nerve system, muscle and heart so that functioned bormally. can be met in serealia, seed, bean, green vegetable, yeast, egg and milk product.

-         vitamin d good for growth and your baby bone formation. the source found in fish heart oil, egg yolk and milk.

-         vitamin e good for red corpuscle formation that wells. eat cereals institution especially wheat, pod, vegetable oil and green vegetable.

-         sour folat good for nerve system development and corpuscle, many found in dark green coloured vegetable likes spinach, cauliflower and brocolli. in fruits, sour folat found in orange, banana, carrot and tomato. sour need folat during pregnant 800 mcg per day, especially in 12 pregnancy first weeks. sour deficit folat can disturb brain formation, until inviable in also fetus brain.

-         ferrum that wanted pregnant mother so that escaped from anaemia, many found in green vegetable (likes spinach, cassava leaf, papaya leaf), meat and heart.

-         calcium, need for bone growth and fetus tooth, with protect pregnant mother from osteoporosis if pregnant mother calcium need not fulfilled, so calcium deficit will be taken from mother bone. other calcium source green vegetable and pod. in this time calcium best got from milk with the product. also contain many vitamins, like vitamin a, d, b2, b3,  and vitamin c.


source: compass cyber date media 21 septembers 2006, milis pregnancy

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