13 June, 2009

so that baby borns normal

child for many pair is assumed as fruit loves. saking the mean it presence a child in the middle of family, many pairs very careful when wife begins pregnant.


carefulness that by pair actually well founded. because pregnancy times time sensitiveest for mother and or for baby at contain it. the aim sure so that baby that gived to stay in condition that well and bot lack of anything, physical good also way of thinking.


many factors that can make fetus that contained doesn't born finely. experience for example permanent physical disablement up to is borned defectly way of thinking. that factor is among others, during pregnant mother consumings medicines without the knowledge doctor, nutrient deficit and stres can heighten baby opportunity that gived defect.


" every pregnant woman has sensitive times and sensitive. in this time is found stage very endangers for fetus at contain it. if in sensitive times or sensitive this is the mother consumings medicines, can causes miscarriage, " pregnancy specialist doctor word, Dr. Djalil anshori, spog.


to avoid to birth physical defect baby and or way of thinking, Dr. Djalil admit there are some matter importantest that must be followed by mother. among others go away self from certain medicines belong tranquilizer, koid stres continuous up to watch over pregnancy protein that come into body.


" usually mother that experience pregnancy, body condition more weaker. mental stress more increase so that emerge peevish feeling. for mother impatient, just any will buy and imbibe certain medicine. even, many pregnant mothers exactly likes to take medicine for calm, " he said.


cusorily, follow Dr. Djalil, tranquilizer really can avoid load stres during pregnancy. but, tranquilizer use exactly very endanger and be defect cause in fetus at contain it.


" sensitiveest if imbibe tranquilizer is done in week fifth and week seventh pregnancy, " say doctor alumnus indonesia university.


in pregnancy age more older, Dr. Djalil imply so that woman middle pregnant overcome emotional strains.


at pregnancy age more older, in general emotional strains excelsior. although this matter is difficult to prevented, at least there strong effort to avoid it. physical disablement also way of thinking disturbance in child, follow Dr. Djalil, have come to watchfulness from famous america researcher by the name of fels.


in the watchfulness result is found that pregnant woman with autonomous nerve composition labile, has foetuss mobileest. condition will like this will causes pregnant mother will experience emotion strains, reactive,  and thin-skinned.


effect [of] incidence this emotion, usually child will be borned body weighing less at will compare with length. in development next, child will experience difficult disturbance will eat.


consequence other, if disturbance psikis mother happens in first pregnancy. usually child will be borned with way of thinking disturbance less normal. this disturbance is usually is called with down syndrome. while if emotion disturbance happens in second pregnancy, so will cause the happening of desire syndrome disturbance will be be retarded.


such children has apathetic characteristic, passive,  and appear not enthusiastic. something else that must be prevented during pregnancy time, follow Dr. Djalil, belief towards person belief formerly. for example if mother likes to look at photo or poster beautiful child that gived has pretty face.


" really found watchfulness towards period person belief formerly, but try pregnant mother must permanent get the whip hand of self with as well possible, " he said. if pregnant mother very trusts tahayul, so the mentioned will influence instabilitas hormonal.


source: okezone.com

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