13 June, 2009

31 tips lose weight body

if demote heavy body is your target in this time, try to read this article. we make 31 simple manners dines to well every day in a month,

1.       begin your day with segelas wine juice so that level trigliserida decreaseds. trigliserida often identical with heart sickness problem.

2.       obviate food that contain more than five ingredients. more and more ingredient that used, so process cultivate it longer.

3.       take a little your favorite food. this is manner very precise to prevent self depend on snacks.

4.       don't peel aubergine skin, like apple, for example. with peel it, we can lose 25 vitamin percents, mineral,  and fiber at contain it.

5.       keep away candy container at space other, far from your place is usually" relax" . watchfulness shows, with walk to take candy, actually you only enjoy half from that candy. bot to mention if you don't so to enjoy it because lazy moves to take it.

6.       consumption more many protein if we like to demote heavy body stablely. don't forget source protein non meat likes bean, tofu, cereal wholegrain,  and haricot bean. protein can body performance increase so that more many burn fat.

7.       save and present water melon in room temperature. the nutrition will increase as much as 40 percents. follow expert, this condition is maked because happen maturation process.

8.       don't throw away vegetable dark green coloured the leaf part, like in spinach or sir coy. exactly this part is most correlatings nutrition.

9.       stir salad with dressing correlating ingredient base vinegar, so that full longer.

10.   replace sour cream/cream sour with yoghurt low fat moment present grilled potato or croquettes. yoghurt low this fat is bot b is used in the place of butter in mashed potatoes.

11.   drink warm water with juice lemon in morning. this like mini-detox that help digestion and clean liver you.

12.   try to enjoy 20 - 30 different food-stuff to gets maximal nutrition and benefit antioksidan.

13.   change coconut milk in dish correlatings coconut milk with skim milk evaporated. if want immanent the coconut aroma, add a little coconut essence.

14.   very well if you often consuming stringbean. you can add it in sauce bolognaise. or, present stringbean with dyeing sauce that made from blenderan garlic, mix olive,  and juice lemon upon which dyeing. can also add it in salad.

15.   as snacks, better enjoy grilled/boiled vegetable than chews potato crispy chips canful.

16.   don't over do to consuming product taggs low fat or low carb (low carbohydrate). oftentimes product a kind of this is the pregnancy not far difference with the original version.

17.   don't try all food menus moment there entertainment buffet. enough choose one or two kinds most you like, then continue with salad.

18.   use oil canola or olive the noodle as rubbing in baking pan and dish, roasted or wok. this is healthier than butter or frying oil usually.

19.   don't arrange in layers your frying pan with oil. but mix two oil tablespoon in meat, new insert to hot frying pan.

20.   drink fresh vegetable juice every morning. try carrot, celery, little spinach, cucumber, water salad or radish. mix with apple juice as sweetener.

21.   moment mango season, exploit. eat 1 mango 100 percents has sufficed need betakaroten and vitamin c. belong amount of vitamin e, fiber,  and irony mineral, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potasium and sour folik.

22.   use device and cup that measure little. watchfulness shows, we are inclined eat more many if device eats and also king sized the plate.

23.   ripe your dish is with garlic. one clove can help to demote cholesterol up to nine percents.

24.   be really use normal size a product. moment there promotion, we are inclined has family size or economical larger ones and cheaper. we forget every still there pigswill, we are inclined eat again. sure the total more than size usually.

25.   not what to cry. even less if cry moment peel onion to cooked. this tuber has level fitokemikal cancer preventative very tall.

26.   want to eat addition? try yoghurt low fat, cracker wholemeal with cheese low fat, fruit,  or dry bean.

27.   leave over three suap each time you eat. every suap contain 105 kilojoule (kj). so, once eat you cut up to 315 kj. mean can achieve 945 kj per day!

28.   use spices and fresh flavor. it contains antioksidan and can enrich taste without fat addition.

29.   is enjoying coffee in medium size. watchfulness shows, coffee can demote disease risk diabetes (sugar), heart,  and liver.

30.   look at your habit that likes to spend food the little or even lick spoon moment cook. all a while ago counted,

31.   you accustomed butter increase in vegetable,  or sauce cream for fish and chicken? try to add juice lemon inste. guaranteed without fat!

from various source

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