05 July, 2009

Tips Kitchen Equipment


Without we realize, Cook with pan many throw away energy because hot consequence not closed. Also not at focus of energy to food but Only heat it. If you constantly require use frying pan, Look for frying pan of the size fitest. Frying pan of little needs slimmer energy to is heated. Besides, Size of frying pan and Pan must also as according to size of stove.

May be many from we have utensil my of complete but Seldom worn. One of them pressure cooker or We mention presto. Pan presto ripe tool that uses energy considerably efficient with save time. If you cook recipe that compel you boil water or Cooked slowly during old ones, Pan presto you can save up to 70% from energy that need and Use one-third time that need. Besides pan presto also mengefisiensi use of water that need.

Besides device of kitchen usually you have oven toaster electric. Oven toaster electric use only one-third energy that need by oven usually and When do you want to heat snack, Toaster choice correctest. When are you permanent need to wear conventional oven, Better your food wears place of ingredient of ceramics, Glass or Metal because these ingredients can hold back hot better so that can not needs energy more many and Can decrease temperature of your oven.

Microwave also many has and Be goods common. When heat food from refrigerator or Can also cook food not too difficult, Microwave can save between 50-70% energy that need. 

When do you want to boil water, Manner efficientest use electric kettle is compared with boil with pan. When use pan, Look for enclosing fitest so that heat not out.

Do you know that drink cold water inefficient for your body self? When do you imbibe cold water, So your body must take outside energy and Calorie to warm up water before can absorbed by body. Therefore better drink water with temperature of space, Not cold or Hot. Therefore one of [the] device of kitchen that can at efficient dispenser of water. We live in trop always hot. Refrigerator your dispenser must strives because according to natural after you wear that water, Dispenser must chill water of bew and This matter consumes quite a lot energy. I several lethal months has refrigeratorred dispenser but I also sometimes want also drink cold water at day of hot. Therefore, I wear water bottle whom i save at refrigerator so that sewaktu i am necessary can direct drink,  and Because my refrigerator stills there place, So doesn't use energy of addition more many.

Tips this is really not to save money,  but Only save energy and Preservation of environment because device on even also not cheap. But when did you has device, Try to wear it a more regular.


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