07 July, 2009

tips choose shoe

choose shoe at store of shoe sometimes very difficult to determine choice, because besides many choices sometimes choose shoe that seen from the aspect of look at interest of refraction causess error of fatal, follow tips to choose shoe:


1.       don't choose shoe based on size as described at shoe, but choose shoe fitest at your foot, because big shoe between brand and different model highly varied, although the size same.

2.       choose shoe most appropriate with form of your foot.

3.       try in foot according to regular because with getting old, size of foot will change.

4.       heel must pleasant at shoe and at your heel, so that possibility slips slimmest.

5.       try a pair of shoes when buy it. majority has one foot of larger ones at other equal. follow foot biggest the size.

6.       buy shoe in the evening, because they say at the moment foot presents in biggest size.

7.       try road with shoe that you will buy to will ascertain to what fit the size and pleasant.

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