05 July, 2009

how so that child not inattentive moment mother working outdoors?

mother it's work really often evoke problem, particularly if the child stills in growth stage that want extra attention. leave only together with nurse likely not bring oneself to but job at office even also congest to soon finished? 

hmm. . don't panic direct, remember to what your aim puts initially and follow tips useful hereunder!

1. free time before child sleeps

ascertain you go home before the little sleep. that way you are permanent can spend time to discuss although a moment. check over to completion it for school tommorow day, ascertain homework and another duties has been finished. that way, your child is even also understands that although the mother goes to work,  but meaningless the need ignored.

 2. weekend ascertains without nurse 

weekend is moment correct to refresh idea with walk along together with family. above all actually attention, although only take a rest at home, ascertain you have time have a certain quality both with the little without other party existence.

3. stop if ill child 

has child commitment. although will be problem, is trying focus in child well-being if ill. try to send self your child to when is he ill. that way you even also will get information accurateer about the disease than must hear it from another person.

 4. communication 

although unimportant,  but communication is main key. although you get into stide, don't forget to call child at home and look at then every the activity. don't until you don't know everything he does at home also in place activity other because too busy with job.


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