every year company usually really give salary increase to employee. increase percentage can various, with various indicator, begin from itself employee performance exercise, up to luck not the luck companies. usually, salary increase has been foregone by increase of price various need goods everyday. so, not yet sure your income is year this bigger compare last year. follow manner measures it.
0 real growth ratioes = ((income year this is - income year then) /income year then) - rapid inflation. for example, your income is year this is rp5,5 million, temporary last year rp5 million, rapid inflation 7%. so real growth ratio you enjoy = ((rp66 million - rp60 million)/rp60 million) - 0,07 = 0.03. mean, your income is in one year this grows 3% above rapid inflation.
0 when does that ratio zero, mean your income only can to close rapid inflation.
0 when does that ratio negative, your income is actually exactly experiences depreciation really. so, bersiap tighten belt!
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