30 May, 2009

important nutrition for father candidate and mother

perfect impregnation and pregnancy always well, mother to be and obligatory father consuming nutrient and nutrition enough. next several important food substances for fertility and support pregnancy wells.


·         protein (builder substance)

consumption protein minimal 55 gram/days (father candidate) and 48 gram/days (mother candidate). principal source: fish, egg, chicken, meat, know and tempe.


·         sour folat (support centre nerve development)

belong one of [the] vitamin b complex, can prevent baby risk born defectly in centre nerve system. consumption at least three before and during pregnancy. principal source: green leafy vegetable old, fruits (orange, kocado), cow heart, bean (soy bean and tempe) with serealia (cereals).


·         vitamin a and e

father candidate and mother kitaminosis this has hormone degree LH (luteneizing hormone) and fsh (follicle stimulating hormone) low. vitamin principal source a: heart, vegetable and fruits rose colored. vitamin principal source e: sprout (bean sprouts),merang mushroom, bamboo shoot and serealia.


·         zinc substance (zn)

      mother to be necessary zinc for matter production genetik (chromosome in egg cell) moment impregnation. father candidate, necessary zinc for formation sperm. principal source: meat, fish, egg, serealia and bean

from various source

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