need clean water will be yearned for for every we, even less in the rains this time, need clean water will be to increase. for the reason need a effective technology to helps conditon above. picture above household scale simple water screening whom i shall borrow pustekkom (2004) that can help to overcome troubleshoot clean water crisis.
depurating steps as follows:
1. water first time loaded in top-ranking part with dirty water or water that be cleaned. then at add alum that functioned as koagulan that can help to precipate dirts (flok) are mud ready for throwed away. chlorine gift as desinfectant can be given in this stage, but can has also optional. pemberiaan chlorine is done to kill dangerous bacteria for human well-being.
2. in second stage is channelled to pass sand media and gravel. second this media functioneds to hold back particle that still to fly (suspension) underwater, so that supposed later water that pass this media is water in a condition clear and a little pregnancy flok.
3. in stage furthermore, water is channelled to fibre of palmtree media and charcoal. this media gift is meant so that water that still found pregnancy flok be clearer, while charcoal functioneds to cause the loss of water taste, colour, and smell not delicious that disturb our comfort imbibe water.
4. water latest stage is clear such as those which we intended. in this stage was allowed to give chlorine returned as anticipation at the (time) of screening process a while ago still found dangerous bacteria for our body well-being.
processing kind above actually embryo for company drinking water entire
obvious our ancestor is indirectly gives valuable lesson to us all. now how with ourselves? , has we done innovation valuable for our descendants later? . congratulation work, good we give birth to very work that can be recalled during the time
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