fall of hair something that can evoke disappointment and solicitude for a woman. on the contrary beautiful hair self confidence taste increase in the hair owner.
then how does manner care and overcome to spread that begin fall of. next tips that can at applied to overcome fall of hair:
· eat nutritious food, especially many contain protein and ferrum. protein of vital importance for body organ growth belongs hair. source protein principal come from fish, egg, bean, yogurt, soy bean and other.
· dab kondisioner that contain ginseng so that hair wells shimmer and not breakable.
· whilst you wear kondisioner, hair comb with pronged comb seldom. the function so that hair not tousled moment rinsed.
· choose herb shampoo or light extra shampoo so that balmier scalp.
· koid to use hot water moment shampooes. use cold water or warm nail.
· dry hair without hairdryer and also don't wear towel. hair at will scrub with towel easy will be pulled from the root because scalp very moist. hair enough aerated.
· wear hair tonic or serum to fertilize hair. hair tonic that contain ginseng good to stimulate new hair growth.
· as often as may be koid drink that contain caffeine because not both for hair growth.
· shampoo with product that contain ginseng, functioned to clean hair from all dirt and strengthen hair stick so that not breakable.
· use hair mask as nutrition to care and restore well-being and hair beauty. wear 2-3 time one week.
· lessen use gel hair, cream, pomade, hair dye and spray hair. best use made product from natural ingredient.
· if hair stills to happen keronto then, investigate to derma tologist doctor.
from various source.
compass daily principal source.
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